Maui Lani consists of a number of unique and distinct neighborhoods, interconnected through Maui Lani's embracive sense of community.
A hallmark of Maui Lani's community is their skillful blending of our islands' heritage and culture with forward-thinking design and planning. The vibrant Maui Lani neighborhoods of today initially began as cutting edge trends for Maui.
Maui Lani continues to set the standard for highly livable homes and an appealing community. The newest residential projects under development -- The Parkways and The Traditions -- will feature such trend-setting qualities as side- or rear-positioned garages, a feature that allows for pleasant front porches and landscaped front yards while minimizing impersonal "garage door" streetscapes. The Parkways will also feature a pedestrian-friendly environment, with walking paths and linear greenways wrapped around the homes.